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The Roblox and Minecraft Generation

February 05, 2018
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Santa Monica / Malibu
Kids always played video games, but never before did the industry have so many kids growing up playing in online multiplayer game environments like Roblox and Minecraft. In Roblox and Minecraft, kids can create, learn, socialize, and play, and the diversity of content included in these two games makes them very engaging. What are some of the interesting behavioral patterns that might enlighten game development for the future generation? When these kids grow up, what are their expectations? This panel will attempt to address these important questions.

Craig Donato, Chief Business Officer, Roblox Corporation
Matt Edelman, Chief Commercial Officer, Super League Gaming
John Hendricks, Design Director, Minecraft
Tim Richards, Head of Marketing, Riot Games 


Chief Commercial Officer,
Super League Gaming
Chief Business Officer, Roblox Corporation
 Design Director,
Head of Marketing,
Riot Games